It’s time for a civic [r]evolution.

Building a representative democracy begins with creating a sustainable infrastructure of resources and support that diverse, authentic campaigns need to succeed.

We are a political incubator in the Heartland.

Together we are investing our skills, talents, and resources in building an empowered electorate governed by true public servants.

Our Projects

  • A canvassing tool for organizers by organizers.

    A voter file that integrates detailed voter data with a series of custom integrations.

  • Comprehensive campaign launch kits.

    Everything you need to run for office, whether you’re running for school board in O’Neill or you’re running for US Senate.

  • All-in-one campaign dashboard.

    Consider it your digital campaign headquarters, an all-in-one campaign dashboard to manage your campaign from anywhere.

  • Full-service campaign consulting.

    We are a full-service campaign firm for campaigns that align with our mission and purpose, either with our in-house staff, partners, or the staffers we train and prepare.